Aug 31, 2023——————————————————-
The National LatinX Psychological Association (NLPA) has awarded Yodalys Aguilar a student travel award for up to $500 in travel expenses and free conference registration for their upcoming annual meeting. Yoda will be presenting her honors research on acculturation and mental well-being to an esteemed group of culturally-minded researchers.

May 23, 2023——————————————————-
Yodalys Aguilar was selected to attend the PATHS (Program to Advance Training in Health and Science) online training program, hosted by Harvard University and the University of Cincinnatti Neuro-Horizons Workshop this summer! Both of these programs are touted for their career development potential and competitive selection criteria. Excellent work!!

May 1, 2023———————————————————–
Catherine Scales has been selected for an accelerated summer internship position at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR)! Catherine’s work at LIBR will culminate in the presentation of an original research proposal. Kudos to you, Catherine!!
April 20th, 2023————————————————————–
CODA lab undergraduates proudly presented the fruits of their research labors to finish out the spring semester. Yodalys Aguilar presented her poster at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) on April 15th. Less than a week later, CODA lab members showcased their original research at the University of Arkansas’ annual Honor’s College poster competition (Anna Quesada, Wesley Vaught, Catherine Scales, and Yodalys Aguilar).

February 22, 2023————————————————————–
Yodalys Aguilar has earned herself a coveted research fellowship position for Summer 2023, hosted by the Center for Neuroscience at the University of Pittsburgh (CNUP)!! Yoda will be working with her first-choice program mentor, Dr. Susanne Ahmari, over a 10-week period (May 30th to Aug. 4th). She has also secured full funding for the duration of the fellowship. What an incredible way to spend the summer!

January 23, 2023————————————————————–
Between the end of Fall 2022 and early Spring 2023, we are pleased to announce that several (more) of our industrious undergrad students have earned grant money from the university’s Honors college. A hearty congratulations is due for Wesley Vaught, Anna Quesada, and Catherine Scales!

January 10, 2023————————————————————–
Yodalys Aguilar and her graduate thesis mentor Russell Mach have been officially approved to present a poster at the 2023 National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), which will be held in mid-April at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. The presentation, titled “Factors Predicting Anxiety and Depression Among International Students,” is based on Yoda’s honors thesis project. Yoda also applied for, and successfully received, a $1000 NCUR travel grant!!

November 10, 2022————————————————————–
Several members of the CODA lab, including lead authors Hannah Hamrick and Morgan Middlebrooks, will be showcasing their original research at the 56th annual ABCT convention (Nov. 17th to Nov. 20th)! Anyone interested in viewing digital versions of the full poster presentations may do so HERE.

July 13, 2022 ——————————————————————–
The University of Pennsylania’s Diversity and Equity Initiative in Mind Sciences (DiVE In) has invited our very own Yodalys Aguilar to attend their in-person workshop for underrepresented graduate school STEM applicants. She will be involved in this transformative, all-expenses-paid workshop from October 14th-16th, 2022. Excellent work, Yoda!!!!

July 8, 2022——————————————————————–
Two of our research assistants – Yodalys Aguilar and Dylan Stevens – have been selected to receive Honors College research grants. These awards, totaling $3500 apiece ($2000 for the researcher, $1500 in mentorship funds), will help facilitate the completion of their original research projects. Way to go, Yoda and Dylan!!!!

May 07, 2022 —————————————————————––
Congratulations to Morgan Middlebrooks for receiving the Graduate Professional Student Congress (GPSC) award for outstanding undergraduate student mentorship!

May 04, 2022 ——————————————————————
Congratulations to Yodalys Aguilar for receiving $2,500 in funding from the Honors College for a Domestic Internship Grant to support a summer research internship at the Neuroscience Center at INDICASAT-AIP in Panama!